Two years of pre-production. See full description. security company hiring in new york I highly recommend them. In 1994, after the video release of The Fox and the Hound (1981), the Classics series was discontinued and replaced with the Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection. From the 1995 laserdisc of "Cinderella", this logo is presented here in the best quality available on YouTube. On January 31, 2000, … The Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection logo During the mid to late 1990s, the Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection became the brand for animated films or films with live action and … The Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection (Walt Disney Coleccion Maestra in Spanish and Collection Chefs-d'œuvre de Walt Disney in Canadian French) was a line of VHS tapes and … Walt Disney Masterpiece Collection, Walt Disney Home Video Language English Item Size 2. phoenix triumph motorcycles